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1)Wiebe P.H.PhilosophyThe promise (and threat) of the Shroud
2)Van Haelst R.Shroud datingA critical review of the radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin. ANOVA - a useful method to evaluate sets of high precision AMS radiocarbon measurements
3)Thygesen L.G.Shroud textileDislocations in plant fibres and in Turin Shroud fibres
4)Svensson N.ForensicMedical and forensic aspects of the Man depicted on the Shroud of Turin
5)Silverman A.PhilosophyThe brightest light of all
6)Scavone D.HistoryDocumenting the Shroud missing years
7)Scavone D.HistoryEdessan sources for the legend of the holy Grail
8)Riani M.Shroud datingA robust statistical analysis of the 1988 Turin Shroud radiocarbon dating results
9)Resch A.Manoppello veilThe Face on the Shroud of Turin and the Veil of Manoppello
10)Privitera C.Image preocessingConstruction of a quantitative image of the Turin Shroud for details recognition
11)Piana A.History"Missing years" of the Holy Shroud
12)Piana A.HistoryAn unknown hideaway of the Holy Shroud?
13)Pfeiffer H.Manoppello veilThe concept of acheiropoietos, the icons of the likeness of Christ and the Veil of Manoppello
14)Murra D.Image processingSight and brain: an introduction to the visually misleading images
15)Marinelli E.IconographyThe copies of the Shroud
16)Lind A.C.Shroud datingProduction of radiocarbon by neutron radiation on linen
17)Lavoie G.ForensicA medical study of the surface anatomy of the image and a medical forensic evaluation of the blood marks of the Shroud of Turin in relation to image formation
18)Latendresse M.Image processingShroudScope, a web tool to analyze high-resolution photographs of the Shroud of Turin
19)Jaworski J.S.Manoppello veilProperties of byssal threads and the chemical nature of colors of the Veil of Manoppello
20)Heimburger T.Shroud image formationScientific comparison between the Turin Shroud and the first handmade whole copy
21)Glori C.HistoryWhy Jesus did not bring the patibulum but the whole cross
22)Fulbright D.ArchaeologyAkeldama repudiation of Turin Shroud omits evidence from the Judean Desert
23)Fulbright D.HistoryDid Jesus give his Shroud to "the servant of Peter"?
24)Fulbright D.HistoryWere sixth-century natural disasters factors in the transfer of relics from Palestine?
25)Fernandez Sanchez J.L.Oviedo sudariumThe Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin. A question of authenticity
26)Fanti G.Shroud textileList of evidences of the Turin Shroud
27)Falcinelli R.HistoryTwo unpublished letters of Secondo Pia about the 1898 Shroud photography
28)Falcinelli R.Manoppello veilThe face of Manoppello and the veil of Veronica: new studies
29)Faccini B.Image processingNew image processing of the Turin Shroud scourge marks
30)Espriella J.C.Tilma of GuadalupeThe Tilma of Guadalupe
31)Di Lazzaro P.ForewordForeword
32)Di Lazzaro P.Shroud image formationSub-micrometer coloration depth of linens by deep ultraviolet radiation
33)De Liso G.Shroud image formationShroud-like experimental image formation during natural electrostatic discharges
34)Campanella L.Shroud datingTwo archaeometric methods for cellulosic textile finds using enzymatic test
35)Baldacchini G.IconographyCrux mensuralis of Grottaferrata and Shroud of Turin
36)Antonacci M.Shroud datingCan contamination be detected on the Shroud to explain its 1988 dating?